Follow Us Overboard

Title : Follow Us Overboard
Release Date : September 30, 2014
Format : CD
Known for their psychedelic tirades, The Quick and Easy Boys get to work early on the album: By minute three, they abandon the bluesy structure of the six-minute opening track “Breathe” in favor of a guitar solo anthem that shreds right through the otherwise soulful song. And if that sounds good, there’s more of that on the record; a lot more. For an independent release, The Quick and Easy Boys turned in a robust list of collaborations which include record producer Steve Berlin (Los Lobos) and the borrowed private studio—and instruments—of Isaac Brock (Modest Mouse).
According to Badders, the crew set out to make a record that combined the sounds of the BeeGees with The Flaming Lips and at times his high-pitched vocals do sound brothers-Gibb-esque, but make no mistake, the oomph behind them on stampeding, charged songs like “See Her Changing” mask any notions of disco, Follow Us Overboard is 100 percent head-banging, no-polyester-allowed, denim rock.